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往期回顾  | 中国前沿洞察 Cutting-Edge Insights from China

中美贸易纷争,科技创新迭起,世界震撼感受中国市场对企业未来发展不可或缺的战略意义。身为商界掌舵人,怎样应对世界商业格局的颠覆调整,洞察中国最强创新脉搏,从各核心决策维度全面掌握布局中国及全球的关键点?长江商学院面向全球企业家,重磅推出为期4天的短期英文课程——"中国前沿洞察"(Cutting-Edge Insights from China)。


With a rapidly changing China comes challenges for business leaders to keep up with the latest market opportunities, business models and technologies. Taught by globally acclaimed professors from CKGSB and Peking University, CUTTING-EDGE INSIGHTS FROM CHINA is a 4-day, English-language, executive education program that provides senior executives an in-depth look into China's latest developments and its global implications, as well as new ways of doing business with Chinese businesses.

The program will provide a unique learning experience in order for you to stay ahead of the curve by interacting with innovative thought leaders, successful business leaders, and founders of unicorns and unicorns-to-be in China.


原老师 Mara Yuan

CKGSB Global Programs

+86(10) 8637 8408

微信/WhatsApp: 18611102323